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5 Tips for Avoiding Stress Eating

Have you ever had one of those days where the stress keeps piling up, and before you know it, you're almost to the bottom of a bag of chips or scooping out ice cream straight from the carton? Stress eating is something so many of us…

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Boosting Your Immune System Through Diet

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to sail through the cold season without so much as a sniffle while others catch every bug that goes around? Your diet could be the secret weapon your immune system has been begging for. At Right Weight Center,…

Oct. 07 15:19 pm
Should I Be Taking Topiramate And Phentermine Together For Weight Loss?

Phentermine suppresses your appetite, and Topiramate can treat migraines and epilepsy. While these two pharmaceuticals seem to be on complete opposite ends of the spectrum, they have been effectively used together to assist with weight loss. At Right Weight Center, we provide reliable medical weight…

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Sep. 30 14:07 pm
Enhance Your Blood Health to Prevent Anemia

When you think about maintaining your health, you may focus on weight, heart health, or general fitness. But, one often overlooked aspect of health is blood health, which is needed for preventing anemia. Anemia is a condition that occurs when your blood supply does not have…

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Sep. 22 13:36 pm
Can You Lose Fat And Gain Muscle At The Same Time?

The idea of losing fat while gaining muscle is often seen as a balancing act. Many people wonder whether it’s even possible to achieve both goals, given that fat loss typically requires a calorie deficit while muscle gain needs a calorie surplus. At Right Weight Center,…

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Sep. 15 20:23 pm
Are Workaholics at Risk for Obesity?

It's easy to fall into the trap of working long hours and constantly pushing yourself to get ahead. But what if your drive to excel at work is holding you back in other areas of your life, like achieving your weight loss goals? At Right Weight…

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Sep. 09 11:53 am
How to Lose Weight Without Surgery

Losing weight can be a major challenge, especially when surgery seems like the only effective option. However, there are plenty of non-surgical methods available that can help you achieve your goals without going under the knife. At Right Weight Center, we want to help you find…

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Sep. 01 18:33 pm
High-Protein Diet for Weight Loss

Finding the right path to shed those extra pounds can often feel overwhelming, but adding high-protein foods to your diet plan can make a major difference. At Right Weight Center, we want to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Whether you're exploring weight loss…

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Aug. 25 20:17 pm
Signs of Stress That Almost No One Knows About

Stress is often dismissed as just a part of modern life, but its effects on our bodies and minds are far more complex and insidious than we might think. While the usual signs of stress, like feeling overwhelmed or anxious, are widely recognized, there are more…

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Aug. 18 23:23 pm
Stress Eating and Its Impact on Weight Management

Many of us find solace in food during times of stress. Emotional eating is more common than you might think and can seriously impact your health and weight management goals. At Right Weight Center, we understand that addressing emotional eating is critical for effective…

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Aug. 11 19:23 pm
The Power of Balanced Hormones in Weight Loss

Achieving a healthy weight can be complicated, and results are often influenced by various factors that go beyond just diet and exercise. At Right Weight Center, we understand that hormones play a major role in regulating your body’s metabolism, appetite, and fat storage, which are…

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Aug. 05 18:35 pm
Weight Loss Myths and Tricks That Don't Actually Work

When it comes to weight loss, there's no shortage of myths and quick fixes that promise miraculous results. At Right Weight Center, we believe in providing accurate, science-based information to help you achieve your health goals safely and effectively. Let’s explore some of the most…

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Jul. 25 22:56 pm
Things to Know About Weight Loss Medications

For many, the journey to better health and weight loss management involves diet changes, exercise, and, sometimes, medical intervention. At Right Weight Center, we know how challenging it can be. Read below for everything you need to know about considering medication for obesity. Medically, obesity…

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Jul. 21 22:56 pm
What are Calories?

Grasping the concept of calories is key to successful weight management. At Right Weight Center, we often emphasize that knowing what calories are and how they work can be transformative for anyone on a weight loss journey. Whether you're seeking guidance from a weight loss…

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Jul. 14 23:12 pm
What’s Included in a Personal Exercise Program?

Are you tired of one-size-fits-all exercise routines that don’t cater to your specific needs or goals? At Right Weight Center, we understand that everyone’s fitness journey is unique. A personal exercise program is designed to address your individual health concerns, fitness levels, and lifestyle preferences. This…

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Jul. 08 17:50 pm
The Many Benefits of Medical Weight Loss

Losing weight is often seen as a challenge, but with support, it can become a transformative process. At Right Weight Center, we believe that weight loss management is measured by more than the number of pounds you shed. The highest priority is gaining a healthier…

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Jul. 02 10:42 am
Is Red Meat Good For Weight Loss?

If you're trying to lose weight, you might wonder about the role of red meat in your diet. At Right Weight Center, we understand that making the right dietary choices is critical for your medical weight loss management journey. Read more to find out whether…

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Jun. 25 16:29 pm
Why Keeping Weight Off Is So Hard

While losing weight can be difficult, keeping it off can often be even more challenging. At Right Weight Center, we offer programs for effective medical weight loss management to help our clients reach their wellness goals. Keep reading to learn valuable insights into the biological…

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Jun. 16 20:40 pm
Losing Weight During Menopause

Menopause is a natural phase of life that brings many changes, and weight gain can be one of the most frustrating. At Right Weight Center, we understand the challenges women face during this transition and are here to provide support and solutions for weight loss…

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Jun. 10 21:32 pm
Can Weight Loss Reverse Diabetes?

Living with type 2 diabetes can be a serious challenge. For many, managing this condition feels like a battle filled with strict diets, medications, and regular monitoring. But what if there was a way to alleviate or even reverse this condition? Weight loss might be…

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Jun. 04 00:53 am
The Role of Metabolism in Weight Management

You’ve tried various diets, exercise routines, and lifestyle changes, but the results are often fleeting. The underlying issue may be your metabolism. At Right Weight Center, we provide medical weight loss management programs and support for our clients. If this isn’t something you haven’t considered…

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May. 26 21:33 pm
The Long-Term Weight Loss Pyramid

After years of yo-yo dieting, are you tired of losing weight and quickly gaining it back again? The frustration of seeing hard-earned progress vanish can be disheartening. At Right Weight Center, we understand the struggle and are here to offer a solution that can help you…

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May. 20 11:26 am
Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss: How to Tell the Difference

Have you been working hard on your diet and exercise only to see the number on the scale barely budge? The key to success may be understanding the difference between losing weight and losing fat. At Right Weight Center, we are committed to helping you…

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May. 13 16:52 pm
Weight Loss vs. Weight Maintenance

When it comes to managing your weight, the journey doesn’t end with the last pound shed. The real challenge often begins once the goal is reached. Maintaining that new, healthier weight over time can be difficult. Many find themselves caught in a cycle of yo-yo dieting,…

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May. 07 14:00 pm
Tips to Reduce Your Sugar Intake

Extreme sugar consumption can have detrimental effects on your health, causing weight gain and an increased risk of diabetes. Yet, cutting back on sugar can seem like an impossible task, especially when it's hidden in many foods we consume daily. Are you ready to take control…

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Apr. 29 18:38 pm
How Much Do Weight Loss Injections Cost in 2024?

Have you been tirelessly trying to shed those stubborn pounds with little to no success? The frustration of a stagnant scale can dampen even the most enthusiastic person. However, with the advent of medical breakthroughs, weight loss injections have offered an effective solution for many.…

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Apr. 22 20:53 pm
The Role of Lifestyle Changes in Weight Loss

Losing weight is a challenge that many face and it can often lead to cycles of trial and error with various diets and exercise routines. The frustration of temporary results can make anyone feel like giving up. However, embracing comprehensive lifestyle changes can pave the way…

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Apr. 16 14:19 pm
Weightlifting to Lose Weight

Are the numbers on your scale causing a dip in your mood and self-esteem? Then, you may have already begun to think about implementing an exercise program to help you shed unwanted pounds. However, the information available can be contradictory and confusing. While traditional advice leans…

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Apr. 08 14:31 pm
Tips for Eating at Restaurants While Losing Weight

Eating out can sometimes steer us away from our health goals. However, trying to achieve your desired weight doesn't mean you have to stop enjoying meals at your favorite restaurants. With the right strategies, you can continue to enjoy the culinary world outside your home without…

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Apr. 01 15:36 pm
Weight Management for a Healthy Heart

Maintaining a balance between a healthy heart and managing weight can often seem like walking a tightrope. The connection between heart health and weight is undeniable, yet attempting to align these aspects of health can lead to misinformation and quick fixes that don't deliver long-term results.…

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Mar. 25 12:56 pm
Heart Healthy Weight Loss Tips

It's common to focus solely on the number on the scale, but what if you could make it all about enhancing your heart health, too? Achieving your weight goals could also give your heart the care it deserves. At Right Weight Center, we know the benefits…

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Mar. 17 21:54 pm
Endometriosis and Weight Gain

Endometriosis can cause considerable discomfort and disrupt daily life. For those struggling with its symptoms, finding effective management strategies can feel impossible. But what if part of the answer is found in something as accessible as weight loss management? At Right Weight Center, we provide

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Mar. 11 23:23 pm
How To Relax Into Weight Loss

Have you ever felt like your weight loss journey is a battle filled with frustration and endless effort? The truth is that the pressure to "fix" ourselves can become a major barrier to success. Taking a more relaxed approach can result in a more positive…

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Mar. 04 12:09 pm
Weight Loss Injections Cost in 2024

Losing weight can often feel like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces. You've tried diet after diet and exercise routines that leave you exhausted, and yet, the numbers on the scale refuse to budge. It's frustrating, disheartening, and, frankly, enough to make anyone throw…

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Feb. 24 23:44 pm
Tips and Strategies for Healthy Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss

Welcoming a new baby is an incredible experience filled with joy, and, for many, a desire to return to pre-pregnancy weight. While the focus is rightly on your newborn, it's also important to take care of yourself. However, shedding the baby weight can feel challenging amidst…

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Feb. 19 23:17 pm
Does Sleep Impact Weight Loss?

Have you ever considered that the secret weapon in your weight loss journey might be hiding in your bedroom rather than the gym or kitchen? Sleep often takes a back seat to work, social engagements, and even late-night TV binges. However, undervaluing the power of…

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Feb. 12 17:26 pm
Why Am I Exercising But Not Losing Weight?

You've been hitting the gym regularly, sweating it out with a mix of cardio and weights, expecting the numbers on the scale to tip in your favor. Yet, despite your dedication, the anticipated weight loss remains elusive. This situation can be frustrating, leaving you questioning the…

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Feb. 05 22:49 pm
What’s All the Buzz About Vitamin B12 Shots?

Vitamin B12 shots are a topic that's been gaining traction in wellness circles. But what's the real story behind these injections? Are they the secret weapon for energy and health, or just another wellness trend? At Right Weight Center, we understand the importance of making informed…

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Jan. 29 22:12 pm
How to Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals in 2024

Ever wondered why some people seem to lose weight effortlessly while others struggle? 2024 is your year to crack the code. At Right Weight Center, we offer medical weight loss management programs that can help you reach your goals. Keep reading to learn realistic strategies…

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Jan. 22 15:50 pm
How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight?

Are you looking to shed some pounds but feel overwhelmed by the barrage of conflicting information out there? The process of losing weight can be confusing and overwhelming, making it hard to know what to expect. Understanding these aspects can be pivotal in setting realistic goals…

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Jan. 15 17:28 pm
The 7 Science-Backed Ways to Lose Weight

Beginning a weight loss program often feels like a battle against your own body. With an overwhelming amount of information on diets, exercise routines, and health trends vying for attention, it's easy to feel lost and frustrated. The key to effective weight loss lies not in…

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Jan. 08 15:45 pm
Three Ways To Determine Obesity

With the rise in convenience foods and sedentary lifestyles, obesity is a growing concern, impacting not only physical health but also emotional well-being. However, identifying obesity isn't always straightforward. At Right Weight Center, we provide medical weight loss programs and services for local clients, and…

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Jan. 01 20:54 pm
Cardio vs Weight Lifting: Which Is Better for Weight Loss?

Every weight loss journey will eventually reach a crossroads. Once there, individuals must decide whether to focus on cardio exercises or strength training. It's a common dilemma, especially when we're inundated with conflicting advice and success stories. At Right Weight Center, we offer medical weight…

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Dec. 25 16:19 pm
How to Lose Weight with a Doctor

Losing weight can often feel like a solitary struggle. However, achieving your health goals doesn't have to be a journey you take alone. With the guidance of a medical weight loss doctor, you can achieve a healthier you with confidence and support. At Right Weight…

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Dec. 17 23:47 pm
Why Dieting Can Be Harmful

When it comes to achieving weight loss goals, dieting often appears as the first line of action for many. While the intent is to improve health and wellness, it's important to recognize that not all dieting methods are beneficial. In fact, improper dieting can lead to…

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Dec. 11 16:03 pm
The Science Behind Weight Loss

Have you ever felt confused by the rollercoaster of weight loss advice out there? You're not alone. Losing weight often feels like a puzzle, with so many pieces to fit together. However, understanding the science behind weight loss can offer clarity. At Right Weight Center, we…

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Nov. 29 17:00 pm
The Four Types of Eating

Most people only eat when they’re truly hungry and stop when they’re comfortably satisfied. These people are referred to as intuitive eaters. There’s another category of people who turn to food when they’re stressed. They are known as emotional eaters. While we all need to eat…

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Nov. 27 15:34 pm
The Benefits of Weight Loss for Arthritis

When it comes to arthritis, the discomfort and limitations it brings can overshadow daily life. This chronic condition, characterized by joint pain and stiffness, affects millions, often hindering mobility and quality of life. Shedding extra pounds not only reduces the strain on your joints but also…

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Nov. 06 17:53 pm
Have You Hit a Weight Loss Plateau? Here’s How to Break Through

Have you hit a frustrating roadblock in your weight loss journey? It's not uncommon to reach a point where the scale refuses to budge, no matter how hard you try. But fear not, because there may be a solution that can help you break through…

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Nov. 06 17:51 pm
5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Topamax + Phentermine

With obesity rates on the rise and individuals seeking effective solutions to shed excess pounds or decrease body mass index, Topamax and Phentermine have emerged as potential options for those looking to achieve their weight loss goals. Whether you're curious about the science behind weight loss…

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Nov. 06 17:50 pm
Topamax + Phentermine: Your Weight Loss Solution

For many people, losing weight can be a never-ending struggle. Diet and exercise alone are often not enough to achieve significant or sustainable weight loss, leading many to seek out alternative solutions. Two medications that have gained popularity in recent years for weight loss are Topamax…

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Nov. 06 17:50 pm
How Does Your Metabolism Work?

Metabolism is a crucial process that occurs in every living organism, from the smallest microbe to the largest mammal. It refers to the chemical reactions that take place within the body to convert food into energy and maintain vital bodily functions.  However, metabolism can also be…

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Nov. 06 17:49 pm
7 Signs Your Diet Isn’t Giving You The Nutrients You Need

Have you ever wondered why a nutritious diet is vital for our overall health? Well, the answer lies in the nutrients. The food we eat provides us with essential nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Each nutrient plays a unique role in maintaining…

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Nov. 06 17:49 pm
Amino Acids: How They Help You Feel Your Best

For the past few months, we've been talking about the newest addition to our Right Weight Center lipotropic line-up: Revive Complex! Our Revive Complex is designed to help kickstart your metabolism and restore your energy—and it uses our special blend of vitamins and amino acids to accomplish…

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Nov. 06 17:47 pm
Boosting Your Metabolism in Cold Weather

Spring is supposed to be here soon, but brr! Though it marks the beginning of a warmer season, March is still one of the coldest months of the year. And when it’s cold outside, many of us tend to hunker down indoors and get comfortable. Of…

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Nov. 06 17:46 pm
Revive Complex: Learn the Benefits of Right Weight Center’s New Injectable

At the Right Weight Center, our team of board-certified family care physicians, physician assistants, and technicians understand the challenges of losing weight and keeping it off. That's why we created the Right Weight Program, an affordable, customizable, physician-directed program designed to help our patients achieve a…

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Nov. 06 17:46 pm
Exercising in Winter: Here’s How to Make It Fun

As we head into the cold winter months, it's important to find ways to stay active. Though it may be tempting to spend the whole season curled up by the fire, engaging in winter workouts can be a great, fun way to spend your time. Plus,…

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Nov. 06 17:45 pm
Have Diabetes? Here’s the Best & Safest Diet for Losing Weight

Anyone looking to lose weight on their own is bound to run into some roadblocks. However, for someone with diabetes, achieving and maintaining healthy weight loss can be particularly difficult. Between monitoring blood sugar levels and managing weight-related diabetes complications, it’s easy to feel like…

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Nov. 06 17:44 pm
5 Tips for Losing Weight After 40

After the age of 40, losing weight and keeping it off can become more and more difficult. Hormonal changes, a slower metabolism, and a less active lifestyle can all contribute to weight gain, and can also make weight loss more difficult. Maintaining a healthy weight, however,…

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Nov. 06 17:43 pm
7 Stretches for Preventing Injury Before You Exercise

There are a lot of sports injury prevention tips: using the proper equipment, wearing any necessary protective gear, staying hydrated, and avoiding extreme heat are just a few. Perhaps the most common advice, however, is to warm up before engaging in physical activity. And for good…

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Nov. 06 17:42 pm
5 Reasons You Should Get Started on Your Weight Loss Plan Today

It's easy to put off plans; maybe you were supposed to go out to dinner with friends on Friday, but something came up, and it's been postponed until next week. Or maybe you told yourself you would start working out on Monday... but it's already Wednesday…

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Nov. 06 17:41 pm
Nutrition Tips for the Summer Season

Last month, we discussed how to work out safely in the summer heat. Though daily exercise is a great way to lose weight and stay in shape, there's another crucial part of the equation that shouldn't be forgotten: nutrition! This summer, take advantage of the season's offerings…

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Nov. 06 17:41 pm
Tips for Staying Safe While Exercising in the Heat

Summer is in full swing and that means one thing: hot, sweaty workouts in the great outdoors. While this is a great way to lose weight and get healthy, it’s important to take precautions to stay safe in the heat. After all, even…

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Nov. 06 17:40 pm
What Are Lipotropic Injections?

As the weather gets warmer and we gear up for summer, everyone is looking to get in shape. Whether you’re just starting out on your weight loss journey, you’ve been struggling to lose weight for a long time, or you…

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Nov. 06 17:39 pm
Healthy Eating Tips Using Fresh Spring Foods

The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer – spring is finally here! This is a great time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air, and it's also a great time to start thinking about healthy eating.…

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Nov. 06 17:39 pm
Right Weight Center

Let’s face it: burning fat and losing weight can feel like an impossible task. Many of us have tried every tip we’ve come across online, from intermittent fasting and trendy diets to viral exercise routines, only to see no change on…

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Nov. 06 17:37 pm
Why Maintaining Healthy Weight is Good For Your Heart

February is American Heart Month! The heart is a very important organ in our bodies, responsible for pumping blood, supplying oxygen and nutrients to our tissues, and removing toxins and waste. However, more than 600,000 Americans die every year when the…

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Nov. 06 17:36 pm
B12 Injections: What Can They Do For You?

Chances are, over the course of your life you’ve heard a lot about how important it is to get your body the vitamins it needs to stay healthy. However, you might not know as much about specific vitamins, like vitamin B12.…

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Nov. 06 17:36 pm
Why the Right Weight Program is the Perfect Start to Your New Year

Of people who made New Year’s Resolutions for 2021, one survey found that 50% of Americans wanted to exercise more, 39% wanted to improve their diet, and 48% wanted to lose weight. Unfortunately, we know that without the proper tools and support,…

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Nov. 06 17:35 pm
Maintaining Your Weight Goals During the Holidays

As we continue towards the winter holiday season with Thanksgiving in the rearview mirror, you might be thinking about dieting during the holidays. For many Americans, the holiday season, despite all of its fun, can be stressful when it comes to…

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Nov. 06 17:35 pm
How Maintaining Healthy Weight Can Help You With Diabetes

You probably already know that maintaining a healthy weight has many health benefits, both physical and mental. But, did you know that maintaining a healthy weight can also help you manage your type 2 diabetes? November is Diabetes Awareness Month, the…

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Nov. 06 17:34 pm
3 Healthy Halloween Tricks and Treats for Your Diet

Happy Halloween! As you get ready to celebrate the season this October, know that it’s possible to get through this frightfully treat-filled month without breaking your diet. We’ve collected a few great treats, as well as some helpful tricks, to help you ensure that you fit…

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Nov. 06 17:33 pm
Lipotropic Injections: How Do They Work?

Summertime has rolled around and everyone’s excited to get in shape. Maybe you’ve just started your fitness journey, or you’re a veteran who isn’t quite seeing the results you want. Lipotropic injections are the next big thing in weight loss. If…

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Nov. 06 17:32 pm
Is Hydration the Key to Weight Loss?

Water isn’t just a way to quench thirst, it is essential to every cellular activity that goes on in our bodies. But the question among many of us is: how strong is the connection between drinking water and weight loss? As it…

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Nov. 06 17:31 pm
4 Ways To Get Moving Outdoors

With social distancing restrictions keeping most of us cooped up inside over the past year, maintaining a healthy amount of physical activity was quite the challenge. If you are seeing a higher number on the scale than you did pre-pandemic, you…

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Nov. 06 17:31 pm
How to Manage Stress on Your Weight Loss Journey

A study published in the journal Obesity showed that a group of 2,500 chronically stressed, middle-aged adults were much more likely to be overweight than their peers that had low stress levels. It’s clear that stress has a significant impact on…

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Nov. 06 17:30 pm
Metabolism 101: Why Metabolic Boosters Work

The world of weight loss is full of scientific buzzwords, but “metabolism” is one you should actually be paying attention to. The metabolic process is an essential bodily function, not just for burning fat, but also for keeping you energized…

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Nov. 06 17:29 pm
New Year, New You: How To Stay Motivated On Your Fitness Journey

Embarking on the journey towards better health and fitness as part of a new year’s resolution is quite common, but it’s a journey that people often get quickly overwhelmed by. One study predicted that the majority of Americans abandoned their new year’s resolutions…

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Nov. 06 17:28 pm
Fitness Programs: Helping You Make (and Keep) Your 2021 Weight Loss Resolutions

2020 has been a hard year for all of us, and if you’re looking forward to a fresh start in the year 2021, you’re not alone. In fact, fitness-based goals are some of the most common New Year’s Resolutions in the United…

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Nov. 06 17:25 pm
Two Ways To Boost Your Metabolism & Immunity This Winter

Just because most of us will be spending this holiday season socially-distanced and indoors doesn’t mean we have to succumb to sedentary behavior and overeating calorie-laden foods. It is still possible (and preferable) to eat a balanced, well-portioned diet and exercise…

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Nov. 06 17:23 pm
How Mindfulness And Lipotropics Aid In Successful Weight Loss

A growing body of research has shown that practicing mindfulness and mindful eating may actually help you achieve a healthier weight. Your mood, outlook on life, and your ability to stay rooted in the present all help to prevent unwanted weight gain and improve your overall sense of…

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Nov. 06 17:23 pm
How B12 Can Help Boost Immunity

Most of us associate vitamin B12 with a boost in energy levels and a positive mood, but B12 is also linked to maintaining a healthy, robust immune system. As the temperatures drop and we begin to enter the cold and flu season, it’s important to make…

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Nov. 06 17:22 pm
The Cost of Weight Loss: The Expense of Traditional Gyms Compared To Right Weight Center’s Programs

The average yearly cost of a gym membership, including joining fees, comes out to a hefty $800 per year. Although some individuals are able to make a gym membership worth the cost, research has shown that the majority of gym members see very little benefit from their membership and rarely…

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Nov. 06 17:21 pm
Low Quality Food and Weight Gain: Why Quality Matters More Than Quantity

For many years, the phrase “a calorie is a calorie” has guided the Western philosophy of diet and weight loss, but that is not altogether true. Recent research has shown that the path to weight loss and weight management is not through diet quantity, but quality. …

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Nov. 06 17:21 pm
Pick Your Path To Weight Loss: Right Weight Center’s Proven Weight Loss Plans

Unlike many weight loss programs with expensive fees and long-term contracts, Right Weight Center’s programs are affordable, 3-week-long plans that can be custom-made to your unique needs. Patients who follow our weight loss programs see weight loss results in 3 to 6 weeks and are,…

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Nov. 06 17:19 pm
10 Dietary Habits That Will Keep You Slim During Quarantine

Meal prep doesn’t have to be elaborate, complicated or time-consuming. In fact, it can actually free up a lot of time and make your day-to-day life easier. Follow these 8 tips for efficient meal prepping and ease your way into better health: 1. Plan Your Meals,…

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Nov. 06 17:18 pm
How To Avoid Weight Gain At Home: 4 Tips For Weight Management While In Quarantine

The gym may be closed, but that doesn’t mean you have to shut down your weight loss plan. Staying fit at home is all about creating and sticking to a healthy routine that works for you. Follow these four easy tips to get your fitness…

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Nov. 06 17:18 pm
Spring Cleaning Your Weight Loss Plan

Spring Cleaning Your Weight Loss Plan The spring season is an excellent opportunity to review your routine, evaluate your habits, and make some adjustments that will help you achieve your weight loss goals. Here are a few changes you can begin to make while…

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Nov. 06 17:16 pm
Intermittent Fasting 101

Intermittent Fasting 101 What Is Intermittent Fasting? Intermittent fasting is simply an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. Humans have practiced some form of fasting for hundreds of thousands of years. As a result, our bodies have evolved to…

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Nov. 06 17:16 pm
3 Reasons Why Sleep and Weight Loss Are A Healthy Match

3 Reasons Why Sleep and Weight Loss Are A Healthy Match It's a new year and you're trying your best to lose weight. You've made a diet plan for your weight loss, and you've made time for regular exercise as well. So if…

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Nov. 06 17:15 pm
Gobble Gobble: 9 Tips For A Healthy Thanksgiving Dinner

Gobble Gobble: 9 Tips For A Healthy Thanksgiving Dinner Before the month is out, families around the country will sit at their tables, gathering to share food, thankfulness, and good spirits. For people concerned about their health and weight, however, the bountiful nature of…

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Nov. 06 17:11 pm
9 Tricks for Avoiding Halloween Treats - Right Weight Center

9 Tricks for Avoiding Halloween Treats - Right Weight Center With October 31st right around the corner, calorie-laden chocolate bars and sugary sweets are out in full force. Everyone knows that Halloween candy calories add up quickly, but it can be a real challenge…

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Nov. 06 17:10 pm
Lipotropics 101: How Lipotropic Injections Can Kickstart Weight Loss and Boost Energy

Lipotropics 101: How Lipotropic Injections Can Kickstart Weight Loss and Boost Energy The driving forces behind weight loss are regular exercise and a balanced diet, but what if that still isn’t producing results? That’s when additional help is needed. Right Weight Center currently offers…

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Nov. 06 17:09 pm
The Complexity Of Obesity: It’s Not (Just) About The Calories

The Complexity Of Obesity: It’s Not (Just) About The Calories It’s not a secret that weight gain is a source of frustration and concern for many, especially when weight gain leads to obesity. Obesity is now a worldwide problem. It’s common, serious, and costly -…

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Nov. 06 17:08 pm
Here’s How Having Stress On Your Mind Could Lead To More Pounds On Your Scale

Here’s How Having Stress On Your Mind Could Lead To More Pounds On Your Scale When thinking about weight loss, the majority of people immediately think about how to change their diet or exercise routines. However, this approach to losing weight is severely limited.…

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Nov. 06 17:06 pm
Juicing: An Unhealthy Fad That Won’t Help You Lose Weight

Juicing: An Unhealthy Fad That Won’t Help You Lose Weight Chances are that at some point, you’ve heard about (or seen) someone trying to use juicing as part of their health routine. Juicing is currently seen as a good way to eat more fruits…

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Nov. 06 17:04 pm
B12 & Lipotropic Injections: Exploring These Useful Weight Loss Tools

B12 & Lipotropic Injections: Exploring These Useful Weight Loss Tools You've heard it before: weight loss is achieved by eating less and moving more. Additionally, the things that you do eat should be nutritious and good for you. It sounds simple enough. But putting…

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Nov. 06 17:02 pm
Not So Sweet: Why You Need to Cut Back on Sugar

Not So Sweet: Why You Need to Cut Back on Sugar Let’s talk about sugar. There's a dark side to this sweet substance. It tastes great, but it's very easy to consume lots of it. And we do consume lots of it. Currently, the…

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Nov. 06 17:00 pm
To Lose Weight, You Need to Skip Those Fad Diets

To Lose Weight, You Need to Skip Those Fad Diets Spring has sprung, and that means beach season is on the horizon. As people emerge from their winter “hibernation”, many will begin to focus on losing weight before their summer vacations. Unfortunately, a large…

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Nov. 06 16:56 pm
Understanding Relationships: How Weight Loss Causes Trouble in Paradise

Understanding Relationships: How Weight Loss Causes Trouble in Paradise When you’re in a relationship, much of your time and many of your activities are shared with your partner. But weight issues are often one of the things partners find themselves engaging in together. In…

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Nov. 06 16:53 pm
Diet Soda: A Weight Loss Tool or A Weight Loss Hindrance?

Diet Soda: A Weight Loss Tool or A Weight Loss Hindrance? When trying to lose weight, you’ll inevitably need to make some dietary adjustments, such as eliminating empty calories from your meals. That means avoiding any food and drink that's mostly made up of…

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